Rooted & Relevant: A Campus Ministry Retreat
On January 3rd-4th, nine leaders and innovators in Young Adult and Campus Ministry from Province 3 gathered at the Claggett Center in Adamstown, MD to share with and to learn from each other. We were delighted to invite the Rev. Allen Wakabayashi, Episcopal chaplain to Princeton University and a leader in campus ministry, to facilitate a series of workshops and conversations centered on planting and growing this often-neglected ministry for our Church. Participants in the retreat, ordained and lay leaders of active ministries and seekers hoping to launch or revitalize dormant ministries, all benefited from the time together. We shared meals, worshipped, and made connections. Our hope is that this will lead to deeper connections among those engaged in Young Adult and Campus Ministry in our province and that we can all become effective advocates for robust engagement in this crucial ministry at the parish, diocesan, and provincial levels of our Church.
–The Rev. Dr. Ted Christopher
Descriptions of the workshops Fr. Allen led:
Session 1: Campus Assessment–
Rather than coming to a campus to impose a ministry, our call is to lead a contextualized campus ministry that fits our particular campus. What can you do to assess and understand your campus?
Session 2: Building Blocks of Campus Ministry–
What are we seeking to build on campus with our ministry? This session will propose some building blocks for building a healthy, vibrant, and lasting campus ministry.
Province III YACM Coordinator: The Rev. Dr. Ted Christopher, professor and chaplain at Penn State University
Province III Campus & Young Adult Leaders Facebook group.