About Us
The mission of Province III is to provide a forum for the sharing of programs, resources and ministries by the people of the 1187 provincial parishes and the thirteen dioceses in such a way as to develop effective strategies for coordinating and enhancing the use of regional and national resources.
To accomplish our goal, we are have a number of ministries that we coordinate across our dioceses and meet together twice annually--in Synod and Council--with representatives from each diocese. The province is run by an Executive Council and their work is supported by a provincial coordinator.
Our Coordinated Ministries include:
Altar Guild, Anti-Racism Awareness and Training, Campus Ministries, Christian Formation, Ecumenical Affairs, Environmental Stewardship, Episcopal Church Women, Health Ministries, an Opioid Task Force, Peace & Justice, Vocations Ministry, United Thank Offering, and Youth Ministry. Coordinators help to lead each of these areas.
Province III Synod meets annually in May. On General Convention years, Synod helps deputies prepare for Convention. On other years, Synod meets for an educational program and business meeting with elections of Provincial Officers and Executive Council members from the Province are elected. Resolutions for General Convention and Executive Council are considered.
Province III Council meets annually in October to hear ministry updates and determines the budget for the following program.
Executive Committee:
Province III Executive Committee meets monthly to develop programmatic initiatives and oversee ongoing ministries and the budget.
Long Range Plans:
Provincial Coordinator: Dr. Pamela D.H. Cochran, [email protected]
Province III exists to further the mission of the Episcopal Church by coordinating the interdependent ministries of its 13 dioceses in a spirit of mutual responsibility. The 13 dioceses of Province III are:
Bethlehem - www.diobeth.org
Central Pennsylvania - www.diocesecpa.org
Delaware - www.delaware.church
Easton - www.dioceseofeaston.org
Maryland - www.episcopalmaryland.org
Officers & Executive Committee
The Rt. Rev. Kevin S. Brown (DEL)
Vice President
Mr. Nathan Brown (EDOW)
Mr. Steven Jones (DEL)
Canon Jason Kamrath (MD)
Dr. Pamela D.H. Cochran (MD)
Executive Council Representatives
Mr. Matthew Taylor (EDOW)
The Rev. Nina Salmon (SWVA)
Appointed Members of Executive Committee
The Rev. Glenna Huber (EDOW)
The Rt. Rev. Ketlen…
Read More »Synod
Province III is governed by a Synod, made up of the bishops, one clerical deputy, and two lay deputies from each diocese within the province. Synod meets annually on the first Monday in May, at which elections are held for Provincial Officers and Executive Council members. Every third year, when the General Convention of the national Episcopal Church is held, Synod helps formula…
Read More »Council
Provincial Council is a constitutive body of Provincial Synod, comprised of one representative from each diocesan delegation to Synod. Council serves to act for Synod to propose annual budgets and address matters that arise between sessions of Synod. It meets the last Monday of October every year.
Council Members
The Rev. Timothy Alleman
Central Pennsylvania
The Rev. …
Click here to download a PDF of the Ordinances of Province III
As approved by the Province III Synod on May 6, 2024
(Ordinances previously amended on 4/25/2016, 5/7/2018, 5/6/2019, and 10/26/2020)
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
The Synod of the Third Province, in pursuance of authority granted by the Con…
Read More »Our History
Province III was granted authority by the Constitutions and Canons for the government of the Episcopal Church. There are a total of nine provinces in the Episcopal Church.
How Did Provinces Come To Be?
As early as 1762 William Smith proposed dividing the church into six districts: (1) NH, MA, RI (2) NY, CT (3) PA, NJ, DE (4) GA and Carolina (5) MD and (6) VA, but the idea went no…
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