Province III UTO Coordinator and representative to the National UTO board:
Mathy Milling Downing (EDOW) 

Mathy resides in Laytonsville, Maryland with her husband, Andy to whom she’s been married for over 30 years. They are the parents of two adult daughters, Candace and Caroline. She is a nonpublic Title One teacher, with more than 40 years of experience working with children. Mathy has been an active member of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Olney, Maryland for 26 years, serving on the vestry, as Lay Eucharistic minister, lector, Monday Mission Society (women’s group), Parish Life Committee, and a board member  of St. John’s Episcopal School and African Palms, USA. Mathy has been active as a board member of ECW, Diocese of Washington, DC., serving as the Northern Montgomery County regional representative before becoming the UTO coordinator in 2017. She became the Province III representative in 2020 and looks forward to continuing to serve the Episcopal community on provincial and national levels.



You can access the UTO newsletter, with information about Lenten resources, UTO boxes, grants, and more, here: 03-25-Newsletter-Highlights