Opioid Abuse Task Force closes out its work, launches the Opioid Recovery Ministry
At its November 7 Council meeting, Province III officers, Executive Committee Members, bishops, and diocesan representatives thanked the conveners and members of the Opioid Abuse Task Force for their work. Recognizing that Province III stood at the crossroads of the Opioid abuse crisis, in 2017 the province established a task force to address this tragic and widespread problem. It began by researching the problem, locating members from across the Mid-Atlantic area, and sharing resources. Over the course of its 5-year existence, it managed to accomplish a variety of tasks, from education on drug abuse, to training in the use of Narcan, to developing coursework on understanding addiction, and creating a free summer camp for children affected by abuse. To celebrate its good work and send it out into the wider world to continue its mission, attendees participated in a liturgy of celebration and thanksgiving.
You can see an overview of the accomplishments of the task force here and a copy of the liturgy here.