Camp Spirit Song
Camp Spirit Song, a free summer camp experience for children grades 4-8 who are affected by the opioid addiction of a parent or other close loved one, welcomed 10 youth to its inaugural session August 11-16, 2019.
Offered at no cost to campers’ families, this specialized overnight camp was designed to help break the intergenerational cycle of addiction in families and help build resilience children and youth affected by addiction. “Camp Spirit Song creates a setting in which children can participate in meaningful, compassionate group sessions which honor their experiences and inherent worth, while enjoying all the opportunities that summer camp provides for kids to be kids,” shared Rita Yoe, Claggett Center Programs Coordinator. Campers had a chance to participate in classic camp activities, like crafts, games, hiking, swimming, campfires, and more, in the supportive Christian community. Children were supported by recovery professionals from the SpiritWorks Foundation and trained Claggett Center summer counselors, to affirm their gifts and invite them into community, just as they are.